United States

    • Access Reports
    • For more than 20 years, Access Reports has been the news source of choice for professionals concerned with access to government information  Access Reports’ publications keep subscribers up to date on all freedom of information and privacy issues, tracking policy trends while summarizing and analyzing court decisions, legislation (federal, state, and –in Canada– provincial),  regulations, and agency guidance. Access Reports provides the most comprehensive coverage available of access issues in the United States, Canada, and internationally.

    • American Communication Association WWW
    • This site includes a wealth of information pertaining to the USA Freedom of Information Act. It includes such topics as ‘A citizens guide to using FOIA’, ‘Citizens Information Bill of Rights’ and the Clinton Administration Policy on Freedom of Information. ‘ Other general information is also provided such as the Act, A step by step guide on how to use FOIA, the Act’s exemptions and kit information.
    • Brechner Center
    • The Report offers a monthly summary of media law developments in the state of Florida. The site also provides The Reporters Sourcebook, a list of state media law resources in the 50 states and the District of Columbia, and a link to the Florida Statutes and Florida attorney general opinons. In addition, the cite has hotlinks to several other cites focusing on freedom of information and telecommunications law.
    • Epic FOI
    • National Freedom of Information Coalition
    • First Amendment Project
    • The First Amendment Project (FAP) is a non-profit, public interest law firm established in 1991 to protect, defend, and further the rights to participate in and know about government activities and speak freely about public issues. FAP offers direct legal representation to individuals, civic organizations, journalists and media organizations involved in petition and free speech or right-to-know cases, provides litigation support services to other attorneys, raises public awareness about issues of free speech and access to government, and provides education and advice on First Amendment issues. The First Amendment Project’s litigation efforts focus on two main areas of First Amendment law: anti-SLAPP defense and enforcement of open government laws.
    • The National Security Archive
    • THE NATIONAL SECURITY ARCHIVE, is an independent, non-profit research institute and library, for people who are interested in international relations and how the U.S. foreign policy bureaucracy functions.
      Since its inception in 1985, the goal of the National Security Archive has been to document recent U.S. policy and enrich research and public debate on the often hidden process of national security decisionmaking. Scholars, journalists, present and former officials and many others have long recognized the need for a systematic approach to obtaining and providing access to declassified national security
      documentation. Through its collection, analysis and publication of previously classified government documents, the Archive is able to reconstruct U.S. policymaking on a variety of foreign, defense and intelligence issues and capture how government decisions are made –with important implications for ongoing policy.To carry out its mission, the Archive combines a unique range of functions in one institution. It is simultaneously a research institute on international affairs, a library and archive of declassified U.S. documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, a public interest law firm defending and expanding public access to government information through the FOIA, and an indexer and publisher of the

    • Society of Professional Journalists – FOI Resource Centre
    • The Society of Professional Journalists maintains this Web site as a tool to help journalists and non-journalists in their quest for information from federal and local governments in the United States.
      FOIA Hall of Fame
      A coalition of US media organizations have named a Freedom of Information Act Hall of Fame to honor individuals who have helped to develop and defend the Freedom of Information Act, FOIA Amendments and the Electronic FOIA (US). The group was honored during September 1996. Includes  brief sketches of the 24 individuals.
    • FOI-L
    • Discussion list for USA state and local freedom of information issues. Located at Syracuse University.
    • FOI Center
    • The Freedom of Information Center is a reference and research library in the University of Missouri School of Journalism on the Campus of the University of Missouri-Columbia. Information at this site is detailed and includes- Guides to FOI Center Resources, Federal and state FOI information, resources on controls of information other than FOI laws and links to government information that is now available online.
    • Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
    • The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing free legal help to reporters and news organizations.
    • The Quill,
    • This site contains samples of FOI and investigative reporting stories.
    • First Amendment Cyber-Tribune
    • Evanville Courier – Indiana
    • This site contains an interesting  five part series “Open Records – Closed Doors about the operation of FOI in Indiana.
    • Freedom of Information Clearing House
    • Florida Keynoter FOI Page
    • Privacy International
    • Privacy International (PI) is a human rights group formed in 1990 as a watchdog on surveillance by governments and corporations. PI is based in London, England, and has an office in Washington, D.C. PI has conducted campaigns throughout the world on issues ranging from wiretapping and national security activities, to ID cards, video surveillance, data matching, police information systems, and medical privacy.
    • Privacy Resources – Politics of Information
    • Good collection of privacy links.